Crate cmake

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A build dependency for running cmake to build a native library

This crate provides some necessary boilerplate and shim support for running the system cmake command to build a native library. It will add appropriate cflags for building code to link into Rust, handle cross compilation, and use the necessary generator for the platform being targeted.

The builder-style configuration allows for various variables and such to be passed down into the build as well.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

cmake = "0.1"


use cmake;

// Builds the project in the directory located in `libfoo`, installing it
// into $OUT_DIR
let dst = cmake::build("libfoo");

println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", dst.display());
use cmake::Config;

let dst = Config::new("libfoo")
                 .define("FOO", "BAR")
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", dst.display());


  • Builder style configuration for a pending CMake build.


  • Builds the native library rooted at path with the default cmake options. This will return the directory in which the library was installed.